Business preview…I did an interview with Ja Rule yesterday, and that should be running some time in the next two weeks. If I can rig if properly, you’ll be able to listen to the conversation on the bidness blog, and there will be a joint on LeBron’s decision to fire his agents for BSN. Also, the long-discussed Roland Fryer piece will run next week. I promise, it’ll be worth the wait, according to all those that have read it.
What did you think of it, Roland?
Anyway, lemme tell you about waiting for Ja Rule…

So, I’m supposed to get the call between 7 and 7:10. At 6, I come home, hunt for my recorder and speakerphone, and head to someone’s house to do the interview. First, couldn’t find either the recorder of phone, so that means going to Radio Shack, where the sucker at the counter was upset that I asked if the recorder came with a tape. Maybe that’s on me, but the Shack is also the same establishment where someone once asked me if I had the tool to install my own watch battery. Service? Please.
Finally get to my friend’s house right around 7 and frantically start hooking up my equipment so I could get to work. 7:10 passed, and Ja hadn’t called.
So did 7:30.
And 8.
And 8:15.
8:30, I get a call from Ja’s personal assistant saying that Ja was held up on the West Side Highway but would be calling me soon.
By 9:30, I concluded that I was stood up by Ja Rule, something that embarrasses me greatly to say. This was like finding out that the “My Neck, My Back” rapper gave me a fake phone number.
Either way, I go get some food. ‘Nuffa this. Brother gets on the good jerk chicken plate, throwin down with a passion and focus rarely seen outside of war.
What comes next? Your friend and mine, that good -itis.
And I start to pass out around 11:10.
Whaddayaknow…the phone rings at 11:30. Guess who it was? Here’s a hint–he sounded like he ate an OE bottle.
An interview with a good mix of sleep and the -itis…an experience, to say the least. It’s decent, though, so enjoy it when it comes around.
And thank you to anyone that got to listen to the live feed of the sports show in Vancouver yesterday. It was a good time, I got to talk about my Heels some, also, and it went well, according to folks that heard it. Thanks to all of you, especially those that actually listened from the Pacific Time Zone.