First, could the following people remind me they’re still alive–Dame, Rachel, Nikki, Nikki (both y’all), Big D, and a few others I can’t think of. Where y’all been?
Moving on…bracket’s going strong, baby. Marquette did me in a bit, but that’s okay.
FYI–I have no basketball beef with Oklahoma. Long live Skeeter Jones. However, big shouts to the crimson and cream for getting outta there nice and fast and making my pick of Wisconsin-Milwaukee all the smarter. But that’s what they do at Oklahoma, yanno…make other people look smarter.
Anyway, doing some radio today on the D1 Sports Network around 5:45 EST. I’ll be talking about the tournament and all of those fun things. Click here for the live feed, and thanks to Chris Atkins for setting this up.
I’ve got a million things I want to say, but no time to do so with the tourney going like it is. So, I may be back later to get into some of those things. Or maybe I won’t.
Funny like that.