Eh, a few quick bullets. Only thing–no specification for what pleases, annoys, and angers. Figure that out on your own.
1. One fair reader told me this weekend that I don’t know anything about rap music because I don’t have Tupac as one of my top ten emcees. Even suggested I stick to U2 lists, which is funny considering I didn’t do that list. Since (s)he says such a view puts me in the minority–and it does, though not as overwhelmingly as many would believe–that means I don’t know anything about rap music. Yep, because adherence to majority opinion is always the greatest measure of knowledge. Yanno, because only a genius agrees with everyone. Yep.
2. Another adulterous crank call. This one’s old, I’m told, but it’s a doozy. I’m also told many women are really hurt when they hear the depression in women’s voices on these calls. In that case, this won’t hurt you at all. In fact, it might give you an endorphin rush.
3. The gubment plans to lock down the Internet. I gotta start watching what I say.
4. The Seahawks did not get robbed yesterday. That is, unless Jerramy “Stone Hands” Stevens dresses as the Hamburglar at kids’ birthday parties.
5. Got a piece going up tomorrow about the Carolina/Duke game. And I’ll be there!
6. I have to go BACK to Raleigh to pick up a t-shirt after having already driven out there today. That’s no fun.
Have fun.
***Forgot to add this one.
7. On Russ Parr this morning–I’ve got to immediately plug up the boPod in the morning–some chick called in upset that Queen Latifah did the voiceover on the Pizza Hut commercial with Jessica Simpson. “What, Queen Latifah isn’t sexy enough to do that commercial but Jessica Simpson is?”
Ummmm, yeah. I don’t care if you bleed red, black and green, we know this one’s a no-brainer. This is augmented by how totally unattractive Latifah’s become in her new career as the loud negress in movies. But independent of that, Jessica Simpson’s no joke. If you deny that, you–yes, you–are just lying.