…when we exhale. I promise you that’s the last time you’ll ever hear my quote Whitney Houston. Or Babyface, who wrote that song.
For real, why on Earth were those two that successful? I get why white folks dug Whitney. They typically can appreciate soulless music more than black folks can. But those people that say their two favorite singers are Whitney Houston and Chaka Khan…I don’t see a single connection between the two. Not a one.
Anyway, I’m exhaling because the storm missed Houston. It hit Port Arthur hard, but my sister got out. On a personal level, I can breathe. Me overarching concern for humanity, however, doesn’t feel so great, but it coulda been a lot worse.
And really, there’s not too much more I can say now. It’s been a stressful week.
The Times has an interesting piece on the fate of black colleges in New Orleans. With Xavier closed, there will be a lot less black folks in medical school. I don’t like how the school has essentially turned itself into an MCAT training academy, but that’s a relevant concern.