The season is ramping up for real, baby. I wish we’d get a full 13 episodes instead of 10, but having 10 means we got lots of action. We’re not going to get some of the fun character development and humorous asides we’ve gotten before, but oh well. This week was the heat.
1. Marlo is the most ignorant man in Baltimore. That’s saying a lot, but that’s the truth. He just doesn’t know. I took particular humor in his belief that the solution to a language barrier is to speak English so hard that the barrier gets broken down. This fool actually wanted to see his money, like them folks in the island have a storage locker just for Marlo Stanfield’s money.
2. Butchie is the most gangster character so far. Worth noting–the two characters that stood the tallest in death were Brandon and Butchie, and they both did so in protection of Omar. Says a lot about Omar, doesn’t it? Trust–Chris and Snoop are gonna wish they’d have let Butchie go easy. Speaking of which…
3. Omar’s on the way! I laughed at the sight of that carton of Newports Omar brought back from the store on whatever island he’s on. I’ll say this, though…if Marlo goes at Omar’s current light-skinnded boopiece, Omar may be in trouble. This one seems to be more Dante than Brandon.
4. Firing Burrell isn’t going to be a good idea. He knows where all the bodies are buried. That’s a man you treat kindly.
5. Cheese has signed his death certificate. That moron can’t possibly think being connected to this Butchie thing is good for him, can he? Omar put a gun to his face. How bout doing the same? Or is the fool just not hard enough to do it for himself? Yeah, the latter sounds about right.
6. Marlo has signed his death certificate. So you want to kill Omar yourself? Ever ask yourself why no one else has pulled that off? Then again, there has yet to be a challenge that Marlo hasn’t taken and succeeded with. We can’t underestimate the dude at any point. I hope someone lights him on fire, though.
7. Don’t think Michael’s cut out for The Game. Dude’s too honorable. Dude also just isn’t mature enough for the responsibility he has. However, the cats on the corner wasn’t gonna mess up his count. Count was gonna be right.
8. Duke and Mike’s trip to Six Flags came with one piece of great humor. Every man can relate to waiting until the girls turn around before dapping each other up. On one hand, you’re congratulating your man on a job well done. On another, you’re thanking your man for not messing things up for everybody with no lame game. If your boy comes out the gate asking a girl her middle name, the party’s over for everybody in many cases. Also–it’s hysterical that those girls thought it was so cool that these dudes had their own place, like a couple of 14 year-old’s living alone isn’t a serious fucking problem.
9. Lester, we hardly knew ye. Freamon’s down with Jimmy’s plan? I guess that lowers the possibility that it’ll get messed up.
10. Daniels beginning could be his end. He’s one step closer to the throne. That’s one step closer to being outed as a thief. Bad news for the man.
11. Nice dolphin, nigga. That’ll never stop being funny.