I’d like to start by hating on all of you that have OnDemand and, by extension, Episode 53. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and only you.
(OK, that was a particular shoutout to a certain columnist that just threw it in my face on Sunday. You know who you is.)
Here we go…
Episode 52 was just as good as I thought it would be, after I was told that Marlon and Avon would meet up and that there would be a Clay Davis scene. To say the episode met those expectations is saying quite a lot.
1. Jimmy McNulty has lost his damn mind. Look–no good idea has ever come about because of a swig of Irish whisky. Funny stuff? Absolutely. Good one? Nope. That includes massaging a cadaver’s throat to make it look like a junkie was murdered by a serial killer that doesn’t actually exist. However, my guess that it will come across…
2. ...the reporter that makes up stories! Lots of things sprung to mind while I was watching the various journalism scenes. Seeing how I’m not a newspaper guy, I can’t relate too much to the newsroom (I was fortunate enough to deal with all my editors from beyond arm’s length, which may have saved all our lives). I can relate to walking around a sporting event finding out who wants to talk to you, a complete stranger, about larger, broader things related to a game. It’s not fun. Lotta time, it’s about stumbling across someone that’s just so honored to talk to a reporter, rather than the ones that are so annoyed to be talking to your–okay, my–skinny ass. That said, making stuff up isn’t the heat. The editor can tell when you didn’t have much to work with. And when you outright made something up. But oh well, cuz we’ve got…
3. …the beginning of a great story. McNulty lying about the serial killer. The reporter adding on to Jimmy’s lies. For whom will things first get out of control? Easy money’s on Jimmy going just a widdle bit too far.
4. Not sure what’s going to happen with Michael. So Mike let a witness walk away from a shooting. I’m not sure how Chris and Snoop are gonna feel about Michael refusing to blow a child away, but I imagine they’re going to be mortified by him allowing eyes to walk away. The best, though, is that…
5. Mike thinks Marlo’s a sucka. Ahhh, the simple genius. MIke asked the equivalent of the following question–if the dude don’t even know your mama, who cares what anybody says about her? Either way, Mike seems to be to headstrong to work under Marlo. Wonder where the problem’s gonna come up.
6. Avon’s back! Well, kinda. First, there’s no surprise that Avon runs jail. What is surprising, however, is that he linked with Sergei for any reason. More surprising? That Marlo wants to talk to Sergei. Why? Because…
7. Sergei’s a snitch! Doesn’t anybody else remember Sergei turning state’s evidence? His statement let them close the port case. Why would he pass the Greeks any message? Why would the Greeks listen to a snitch? And if Marlo could find out who Sergei was, wouldn’t he have his hooligans look through the paper work and find out Sergei’s a snitch? Wasn’t no trial!
8. Was Avon high? Remember when he called D’Angelo weak for snorting H in prison? It seems pretty obvious to me that Avon was looking mighty dusty. Then again, that just coulda been the negative effects of a few years in the joint. Wonder how Wee-Bay’s doing.
9. Clay’s back! OK, Clay ain’t going down quietly. One thing interesting about the Wire is that we know some of these cats so well that we know what they’re gonna do. And Clay Davis is gonna squeal loud, loud, loud. And Day-Day–aka Ashy Larry–will be back in 53!
10. Does he come back in 53? You know who.
And now I want on more. I’ll try not to catch the shakes by Sunday. In the meantime, I’ll keep watching Season One as a pacifier.