I’ve spent the better part of the last week and a half cranking out a massive database.  I’m not sure exactly how many records, but I’m guessing about 6,000.  The best part–each record required me click-and-drag some information from a .pdf.  That’s clicking and dragging 6,000 times using a trackpad.  I might be in occupational therapy next month.  Seriously.  My thumbs hurt.
And it certainly doesn’t help that my hobby of choice during breaks is playing Guitar Hero III.
So today, I’m playing it easy.  Ran a couple of queries and now I don’t have too much to do.  Last day of break for a long time, so I may as well have some fun with it.
Therefore, I’m treating myself to a few episodes of Season Four of the Wire on DVD.
Sesaon Five starts January 8.  I can’t wait.  I realize there’s going to be a big problem, though.
I’ve spent the last year watching the Wire on DVD.  I’ve run through seasons in two days.  One episode’s over?  Time to watch another.  It’s like flipping to another chapter in a book and, next thing you know, you’re on page 250.
I don’t know how I’ll be able to deal with getting just one episode a week.  I need a quicker gratification than that.
Gonna be a tough life for me, especially since I can’t get OnDemand.
Anyway, I figure I’ve got a bunch of Wire posts I can do, so I’ll drop a few here and there.  And if you won’t know what we’re talking about, go rent the DVDs.