Bomani Jones


Blog articles written by Bomani Jones

June 2, 2008
Bomani's Got a Job!
Well, kinda... As my never-ending state of hustling flux continues, it brings me to my gig for June and July -- drive time! I'll be hosting th...
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May 30, 2008
The Let Out
I know only Californians are still at work, and they'll only be there for a few more minutes, but here's a suggestion to the fellas out there....
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May 30, 2008
A matter of perspective
Saw this story in on an Iranian site about the shootings in Harlem yesterday.  The last paragraph showed how interesting propaganda games can ...
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May 24, 2008
Praising liberal guilt?
Interesting piece in Slate on "liberal guilt."  When I was a kid, it was called "white guilt," but I suppose this is a far more accurate repre...
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