
Blog articles written by Bomani Jones

July 29, 2008
Stop it, Kwame
This Kwame Kilpatrick is something.  A friend and I just got done discussing how long it will take Law and Order to do an episode based on his...
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July 27, 2008
No Big Deal, Sen. McCain
John McCain wasn't being smart when he used the term "tar-baby" when speaking to some folks in Iowa the other day.  I'm not offended by this b...
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July 25, 2008
Black in America? Yawn.
So, against my better judgment, I watched some of that "Black in America" special they had on CNN.  I'd love to comment on it, but I'm not sur...
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July 22, 2008
I wish I could make this up
In about a ten minute period, I saw a WNBA Battle Royal -- at the Palace, of all places -- and the channel guide said that Universal HD will b...
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