
Blog articles written by Bomani Jones

March 18, 2005
Houston, the Finale
Business...the column this week is on Michael Jackson. Have fun. By the time you read this, I should be in the skies on the way back to Durha...
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March 16, 2005
Houston, Part III
On my way to the club. That's a big deal because it means I'm no longer dying. The flu beat my black ass up somethin vicious, but I'm just a...
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March 14, 2005
Houston, Part II
Got here Thursday night. Came pretty close to dying on Friday. Felt like I was going to die on Saturday. And I might die today. Friday mor...
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March 11, 2005
Back at home...
...Houston, that is. But business...the column's on Fiddy this week. Enjoy, even though I haven't even seen the finished version yet. This ...
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