Bomani Jones


Blog articles written by Bomani Jones

February 14, 2007
25--Love Songs
The last two years on Valentine's Day, I provided a few playlists to help you folks deal with this day in whatever manner you needed. You can...
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February 12, 2007
This Shirley Liquor Character
I generally don't get behind boycotts and the likes, but check out this post Jasmyn Cannick has on that Shirley Q. Liquor character. Here's my...
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February 12, 2007
Why Yes, You Are Getting Old
It just dawned on me that Mary J. Blige's debut album, the dope-as-all-get-out What's the 411?, came out 15 years ago.  15! Now for the intere...
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February 10, 2007
New Blogroll Item
Yo, just wanted to tell you to check the blogroll for The Nubiano Project.  The site will tell you what it is, but I'm shouting it out particu...
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