You know, while we’ve been doing all this laughing, Bush has put forth a new nominee for the Supreme Court. Click here to get some background on her.
But click here to see the rumblings from the GOP members in the senate.
So one of these senators wants to make sure they don’t get another Souter. Dammit, that’s what I was hoping for!

A few months ago, Rod Prime and I were wondering if the Court would get another Souter or Harry Blackmon, someone that would take the court and prove to be a wild card. Bush nominated Souter and Nixon nominated Blackmon, and neither turned out to be as conservative as advertised. I’ve come to believe that Souter has no partisan ideology, which is the last a President wants in a Supreme Court justice. Blackmon…too young to tell you much about him, to be honest.
But that would be the fun! I wouldnt’ be dumb enough to think that Miers would always vote as I would prefer, but at least she’d make this entertaining. The way things are going now, there’s no need to take a case to the Court. We know what the votes will be. Roberts will be predictable, as will Ginsberg and Breyer. No need to say anything about Scalia and that dummy he keeps on his knee like a ventriloquist. Kennedy doesn’t provide much variance, either. If memory serves, Stevens can be a little fun.
The real fun came from Souter and O’Connor, both of whom faked out the GOP by proving to have independent minds. They’re the reasons that any decision had suspense.
Maybe this new lady can be one of those? Not if the GOP’s got anything to do with it. Trent Lott may question her qualifications, but buddy from Virginia told it like it was–he has no idea if they’ll be able to predict her moves.
I figure she’ll toe the conservative line for the most part. If you read her bio and her shift toward evangelism, it definitely coincides toward her joining the Republican party. See, to be a big time Republican in Texas, you pretty much have to be an evangelical Christian. There was once this guy that was running for governor, and one of the main things he had to do to prepare for his run was to get more Jesus in his life. That person–Dubya. For more on that, check Molly Ivins’ Shrub–The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush.
Clearly, Bush didn’t just use that to win that one office. I really think that joker thinks he’s Jesus’ son. But then again, so did Lou Reed when he jabbed a spike into his vein. Non-Velvet Underground fans, please download the song “Heroin.” It’ll make that reference made sense and it’s a helluva record. Ain’t it, Clarence?
This lady will have more autonomy than Bush did, so she won’t have to hold on to anything she doesn’t want to. But it looks like Bush has gotten a candidate with the same track record as him and, like him, may prove not to be as conservative as originally thought. Unlike him, she doesn’t appear to be an imbecile.
Ahhh, fun in Washington. Fun times, indeed. For more spice, Sharpton needs to do another protest on Clarence’s front lawn. That’s the funniest protest ever, I swear.