Business…here’s a new joint on why Jim Brown, not Tiger Woods, is the most dominant athlete of all-time.
Ann Richards, former governor of Texas, died at age 73. If nothing else, Ann was a lot of fun. But more significantly, she made great strides to open Texas politics to people other than white males. That’s a BFD, the way I see it.
But when you check that Times link, you’ll see something about the changes she made to the Texas penal system. I’m not quite sure why the Times writer didn’t get more specific about just what she did.
The Austin American-Statesman says a little more–that she doubled the size of what is now the largest prison system in the world. Not quite as cool, I don’t think.
But that point illustrates part of the difficulty in being a black, Southern, and toward the left. You can ride out with just about everything someone accomplishes politically…and then see something like that, which can completely shake your faith in someone you support for the most part. Ahhh, the hassles of being a member of a marginalized group.
But overall, Ann was all right with me. A great orator and probably the most important woman in 20th century Texas politics. Til the other side, Gov.
And in other news, Whitney and Bobby have filed for divorce. I get the feeling this is a bit temporary. Nutcases tend to stay together forever. It tends to be a problem when one person is sane and the other crazy. But two loonboons? That’s true love right here.
September 14, 2006