Another great one from the young cynic. No, Mike Arceneaux, not me.
For real, any editor reading this, give this dude some work. I’m not even playing. Though only on the blog, I’ve seen the progress he’s made in about six months or so. He’s got something going for real.
Today’s target is that damn Pat Robertson. If you haven’t seen it, you wouldn’t believe it if I told you about it.
I just wanna know this–for God to spend this much time talking to Pat Robertson, it makes me wonder if the phone company doesn’t offer Caller ID in heaven. Really, wouldn’t you dodge Pat Robertson’s calls?
Or maybe God is taking Pat’s calls and just loves to tell him anything.
“*Shoot* Hi, Pat. Yeah, I know the hurricane was terrible. Yeah, I bet you need some strength. Why did I do this? Ummm, ’twas that little blond chick, man. The one that used to deal with Anne Heche. Yeah, blame it on her. I hear she had Kanye on the other day, too. Yes, Pat, I’m glad it’s clear to you. But that’s what I’m here for–I’m God. Yeah, bless you, too.”
(God hangs up phone. Immediately after, all the apostles start laughing. Jesus asks, “do you remember when he ran for President?” while trying not to pass out from laughing. Even Mary-Magdalene gets a chuckle or two.)
“I wonder if I can get him to start making calypso records,” God says before threatening Ma Bell with a plague if they can’t get him a Caller ID box yesterday.