If you’re looking to hear me on the radio, no dice. That got pushed back until tomorrow at 11:30.
EDIT–But I just found out I’ll be on the radio in Cleveland on Sportstalk AM-850. I’ll put up links tomorrow morning so you can get to each live feed. I’ll be on in Cleveland at 10:05.
Now, here’s the funniest things about being at the Dean Dome last night.
1. The seven year old girl that repeatedly said, “J.J. Sucks!” If only, baby. If only. The kid put on a show last night. The scary part is I didn’t realize how many points he had until I got home. From the game, it was an effortless 35.
2. That same seven year old said, “don’t let that guy back in the game” after Quentin Thomas was subbed for at one point. Even the kids know what’s up.
3. It seems I don’t look like I’m a media member. When I first got to the Dean Dome, I asked the security guard if it was the right entrance for media, and he said yes. I take two steps and one of his hombres is trying to figure out how I got past the door. How else?
But later I was trying to find where I was sitting, so I asked a security guard how to get to my seat. He saw my ticket and then saw the press pass on my jacket. What did he say?
“How did you get that?” Referring to the press pass. I printed it up on my home computer. What kinda question was that? You gotta be kidding me.
4. In spite all the legitimate assertions that the Dean Dome is a wine and cheese crowd, I must say my section was a bit rowdy. The old folks and ladies in my section got good and crunk. And they all get scared to death when QT has the ball.
5. Met Pat Forde face to face yesterday. I hope any of you that love college hoops are afforded the same privilege one day. He’s always been very kind and helpful to me, and it was a pleasure to hang with him. The wild part–he recognized me on sight. Never saw that coming.
And sorry about the radio. I’ll put the link up again tomorrow morning.