First, thanks to all of you that nominated me for Black Weblog Awards. I’m a finalist for the best writing on a blog, which I consider to be a serious honor. I’ll be given something you can click on to vote for me, but for now you can follow this link if you feel so inclined.
Greetings from Indianapolis!
The most important thing about the trip so far–this is the greatest hotel room I’ve ever had for less than $80.
Look at this.
Now look at this, the other room. That’s Fred B., a WMD in the window.
Check this–we got a skyline view! Well, at least what they call a “skyline” here. Not knockin’ the place, but it ain’t gonna look like Vegas at night.
And now, I head to register and look for some nourishment. As was the case last year, there will be updates. This year, more photos so you can track how Fred and I are holding up.