Something really interesting happened last night. I was at the opening reception at the Speedway–yeah, that Speedway–talking to Fred and another dude. Outta nowhere, a woman comes from across the room.
“I read your blog!”
I figure she’s got me mixed up with someone else. So I asked my name, which she got right. Of course, she did so while looking at my nametag, but that was still pretty cool to me. And this is no ordinary woman. She once dated one of my favorite rappers.
But yanno, I really ain’t got that much to relay. Got caught in some administrative stuff, and that stopped me from hitting too many events. Fred was on something similar. Oh well.
But we did get to see Michael Wilbon speak. I got to rap with him a little bit as he was on his way out. I seriously wouldn’t mind being like him when I grow up.
Why? Is it making big money? Is it being a really strong writer?
Nope. It’s being able to stand in front of a room full of people and say the word “shit” about six times in two minutes without a single person batting an eye. I can’t tell you how many e-mails I’ve gotten from parents and preachers about me cussing on here.
Bet they wouldn’t do that to Wilbon. Nope.
Highlight of the day–dinner with my cousin. Hadn’t seen him in about eight years, so it was a great time. It’s a trip seeing someone you haven’t seen since your childhood and being frighteningly like him.
How’d that work out? I’m very similar to my daddy. He’s every similar to his. And the daddies are quite similar to each other. I know there’s nothing particularly profound about that, but it’s still really interesting.
Going to Chi in the morning. I’ll have Fred tell me relevant stories.
(Happy Birthday…)