Business…this month on the BSN, I talk about John Chaney and what might be his final days on his job. Enjoy.
And sadly, the sports world is requiring that I continue to make clear parts of the G-Code. This time, Kobe Bryant is not the impetus of this discussion. This time, it’s Wake Forest point guard Chris Paul.
I hereby say that we either need to find the following clause on the Code, or we need to add it should it not already be there.
Unless your life’s on the line, never purposely hit a man in his unborn kids.

Paul got suspended for the first game of the ACC tournament for the shot he delivered to NC State’s Julius Hodge’s “solo plexus” (where are my wrasslin’ fans at???). Now, Paul suffered unreal abuse from NC State fans that game, so I can see how he was a tad testy. Suckers were chanting that they killed his grandfather, who passed recently. That was foul, and those suckers need to get their minds right. Had he gone up in the crowd, I’d have understood it, stupid a move though that may have been.
But Hodge ain’t say nothin’ to the lil fella. Hitting him in the stones wasn’t the way to go. Hitting someone in the stones is only the right thing if there’s a pistol to your head, a knife at your throat, or a boot on your neck. As my buddy HSeuss says, there’s just some ways that you don’t play, and Paul learned that the hard way. I know somebody that once knocked the wind out of a seventh-grader for accidentally hitting him in the nuts…and that was one of his students.
And he’d drill the kid again under the same circumstances.
And I don’t think I fully blame him.
Ever taken a shot to the jubblies? ‘Tis bad news. If significant amounts of estrogen make it impossible for you to relate, just take my word–your world shuts down with a shot to the rocks. And even if the shot seems light, in the words of one A.L. Darity, it don’t take much. I’d rather take a big league fastball to the sternum than a beach ball to the testicles. I’d rather be slapped on the back of the head than take a Nerf to the crotch.
This might seem extreme to you, but it really might be that real.
And shouts out right now to my man Delaware Dave. Dave told us that Chris Paul was a little sucker a while ago, but we thought it was just him yapping (he said this during the Duke/Wake game, and he is an alumnus of the Devil’s school), but he’s onto something. Only a sucker thinks to do such a thing in less than dire circumstances.
Chris Paul, you are now a sucker. Violating the G-Code by hitting Hodge in his man-parts proves you ain’t got no G in ya.
G-Code Committee…what you got to say? Was this already in the Code? If not, can there be clear parameters written about when it is permissible for a grown man to hit another grown man in his boys?
Let’s go…