You know, maybe I gave Vicente Fox too much credit a few weeks ago. Check this here.
Man, look at the coolers on that lil’ niglet!

I mean, good googly, who else wants a slice of cornbread? Or maybe a sweet slice of watermelon?
(Lemme stop. If the Trench Coat Mafia had rolled up on me at school that day and asked me to renounce my love for watermelon, I’d have become a martyr. Most disappointing moment of my week was cutting open a watermelon and finding out it was soft in the middle like Alicia Keys.)
(And speaking of the goodness of cornbread, her name is Beyonce Knowles. Haaaam-burger…)
The article pretty clearly explains the origins of the character, none of which justify this. So, for Disney’s next big anniversary, should the US put out a stamp with some of those “blackface” Mickey Mouse cartoons the company tries to ignore ever happened (note–Disney puts money toward my mortgage here and there for my work for
But let’s go back to Fox. What I did not realize the last go ’round as that Mexico has a larger black population than one might think. You’d think that, growing up in Texas, that I’d know more about Mexico, but I did not. A few folks hipped me to that, and I thank them for that.
So, now that we know that buddy’s familiar with blackness, his previous statements are seen in a different light. Now that this stamp is out, I don’t think there’s any doubt what one should think about the Mexican government’s opinions of black folks. Matter fact, it seem like it would be much of a stretch to say this indicates general Mexican attitudes about Negros.
Again, get a look at the coolers on Lil’ Nigger Jaime! And Senora Beulah behind him…before you finish saying “let’s,” she’s saying “eat.”
Probably some hogmaws. Pork rinds as an appetizer.
Well, I always say I wish I had a time machine. Clearly, I don’t need one…I can buy a stamp and go back to the time of Al Jolson.