A frequent complaint in the mail from the wrasslin’ column has been that I cast wrasslin’ fans as a bunch of illiterate hillbillies. Many of them took particular umbrage with my use of the word “wrasslin’,” stating that it’s an obselete term since Ted Turner isn’t involved in the business anymore.
Well, a quick ‘splanin’ on why I say “wrasslin’.” Some of the greatest laughs I ever had with Jon were about wrestling. A couple of our boys watched religiously, and we did not. But we watched as children and would tune in here and there, usually to watch the always hilarious The Rock. Either way, this was Jon’s take on wrasslin’.
“The stuff you see in the Olympics, with the headgear–that’s wrestling. But that stuff you see with the ropes and the face paint–that’s wrasslin’.”
So I call it wrasslin’. If it offends you, ease up. I’m not talking to you anyway.
But here’s the interesting thing about those offended people–they’re offended that I may be intimating that they’re not to bright, but they express their disapproval with the worst e-mails ever. I’ve never gotten a collection of e-mails with more misspellings, poor grammar and inept punctuation. So wrasslin’ fans may not be slow, but their e-mails do nothing to sway that opinion.
And I don’t even have that opinion about them. Were that the case, I wouldn’t hang with the WMD.
Anyway, let’s move on to more mail. None of these are edited in any way.
Here’s Matthew.

Dear whatever your name is, I don’t appericate you running down wrestling. What gives you the right to basilly shoot on the WWE? Well, here’s a shoot for you buddy. You talk about how WWE is racist, disgrades women or whatever. Why don’t you do a little research about it before you go off and “shoot” on WWE. The WWE superstars give more about the fans then your football players do. The WWE superstars actually go out and hang out with the fans. The WWE superstars beat the crap out of each other 365 days of year. This aint football there is no off season for WWE. While your players are out in Januray through September WWE is on the road STILL. What’s the diffrence between WWE having divas actually get invovled with the business and a bunch of bimbos dancing around and screaming? Nothing. I mean what’s the point of spending 4 hours of my day watching a bunch of guys chase a ball and everytime the ball slips or they get tackle stopping the game? Why don’t i just watch paint dry? I mean the paint would be dried before the first quater was over.I try watching football but i get bored 10 minutes into the game… and that my friend was a SHOOT! Best Wi.. oppps nevermind. Matthew

Whatever that’s supposed to mean. Micah didn’t dig the piece either. I admit I only put his e-mail up so we can laugh at his inability to spell.

Sorry, but I think that you’re going to lose this fight. Nice try to get people to stop watching wrestling and trying to get people to watch football. You must really be desprite.

Some guy with the e-mail address RawJoshWWE sent this one.

You are such an ass Vince McMahon could beat you MF’n ass any day of the week and as you said in you post I would be willing to drop pay-per-view dough for that one

Now Fuck off you looser.

Whatever a looser is. Here’s Andrew.

You are a closed minded fool, who should actually take the time to research and view the subject to which you write about. You might appeal to those out there with IQ’s low enough to slowly nod their head and go along with what ever you say, but those who can think for themselves know you are an idiot. Wrestling is not for everyone just as neither is sports, computer games, or other such activities, but if you are going to write about something, please know what the heck you are talking about otherwise your entire argument and point is completely lost and disregarded.

Josh ran through a lot of stuff that, quite frankly, has nothing to do with anything.

hello.i just read your colum on mnf vs raw.i thought it was very distastefull.maybe you dont realize the sacrifices wrestlers make on a day to day basis and the fact that they deserve respect.while i will confess that perhapes the wwe hasnt made the best decisions they have made great ones.for instance matches like bret hart vs shawn michaels,kurt angle vs eddie guerrero,kurt angle vs brock lesnar,kurt angle vs chris benoit,and benoit vs eddie guerrero personally i think wrestling pro and amatuer and mma are better then football in every way and they are much harder sports(yes i am calling pro wrestling a sport matches may be predetermined but you know what they get alot more injuries and are probally more athletic.i know this from being on a wrestling and seeing the top football players quit the team the first day because it was too hard.my point is while i dont like football i wouldnt disrespect it since i am someone who doenst know much about it so next time you wanna write a colum about something you dont know just dont write unless your gonna study it and be unbias.

I also added that just to pick on the grammar. Hate to be petty, but you’d do the same if you were in my shoes. Here’s one from some guy named Escobar.

I am both a football fan and a wrestling fan and i feel that Vince will survive football just as he has survived wcw. Wrestling will never die it will just get stronger, no matter how corny you think the wwe is, ignorant people like you can not kill it with your corny jokes. There are more wrestling fans worldwide then there are football fans. Everytime the wwe goes to any country outside the united states they sell out. You think people out in Mexico or Europe care how Tony does at commentating how bad the Redskins offense is even when they spend millions on an offensive corrdinator. No, they care about if DX is gonna kick Vince’s Ass,(story line but I bet you Knew that). We all know wrestling is faked and staged but wrestling fans watch it for the storylines and the entertainment, simmilar to how people were to watch a popular sitcom.Except the wwe gives you a little bit more that keeps you hanged. The point is the wwe will survive because the wwe is one, all year long un like football and two, wwe will always be around america needs the wwe just as much as they need football.

Antonio must hang with some weirdos.

The article that was posted on the website by Bomani Jones is complete BULLSHI*. Everybody know that football SUCKS with a passion!

Larry missed lots of points, not restricted to the ones I was making.

You are a completely bias idiot. You are one of those people who do not see wrestling for what it is, entertainment. And if you dont get it by now, you never will. WWE is not going anywhere and im sure many of these NFL Matchups will only draw in local markets. ESPN has great presentation, but come on, the announcers are a bore and the product of MNF is a shell of what it once was. Sunday Night Football is taking over and has the best games. That double header last night was terrible. Especially the second game.

BTW…did u notice the armed forces salute last night on RAW? Did the NFL have the nuts to go on national TV the week after 911? No.So get bent. WWE doesnt need you as a fan. Trust me.

I’m not sure what this guy’s name is.


This e-mail isn’t particularly interesting, but it was sent by someone named Kid Dynamo.

Ok, As I can see your not a wresting fan. I know there is more people can right about then wrestling on ESPN. I am a sportsfanatic by the way and I enjoy watching ESPNEWS almost everyday. I am not a fan of Monday Night Football unless it is a really good game and I still might not watch it. But that is besides the point. Vince has made it through alot and he is great at what he does unlike you. I read your column didn’t make much sense at all and you told us things most fans already know. So, next time you write a column about WWE make sure you have your information updated SUCKA!!!!

Here’s one from Al, who thinks I’m disrespectful.

For a person who shows immense knowledge on what goes
on and who is in WWE Raw, you are still blatantly
ignorant. First off, the cheap shot “wrasslin” name
shows you have no respect for the business. It is
wrestling, whether you wish to acknowledge it or not.
As much as there are tawdry, bonder line storylines,
it was never the bra and panty matches or the giving
birth to a hand that made Raw a force on Monday night.
It is the athleticism that the superstars show. I
watch the matches because it is the most pure form of
athletics in this world (yes, above your fat,
overwieght lineman) and when the refs screw up, at
least you KNOW that they are paid to do exactly that.
I have been watching wrestling for years and will
continue to watch it over the 60 minute, but 4 hour
game… and it isn’t even true football!

The most interesting theme from the e-mails has been the assertion that I don’t show wrasslin’ proper “respect.” What the fuck has wrasslin’ done to earn my respect? You’d be amazed at the reverence from Vince McMahon I’ve seen in these e-mails. Straight up–Vince has pulled some mind control on folks. I wish I was exaggerating.
But we’ll close with Sam. No introduction needed.

u stupid lil fucker i hope u fucking die u piece of shit ur fucking nothing making fun of vince wen he has created the worlds greatest sports entertainment show yeah its fake but wat the fuck WHO GIVES A SHIT all the WRESTLERS sacrifice there bodies for the fans and if u dont appreciate that u fucking go die u stupid nigger