Well, I figured the folks in Seattle would be blowing me up, and they did not disappoint.  And, as Sir Mix-A-Lot once said, “Seattle ain’t bullshittin.”  Nope.  It’s whining and crying.
And it missed the point of what I wrote, by and large.
More e-mails were of this variety than any other type.  From SonicSteve.


Of course, I tried to return his e-mail, but fuckufucker@k.com isn’t a working e-mail address.  Guess his inbox is over its limit or something.
Then there were the less verbose.  I haven’t counted how many e-mails I received that read exactly the same was as the following, but it’s definitely in the double figures.

fuck you

One of those came from the e-mail address gayhomoparty@yahoo.com.  Wonder what that’s all about.
Paul in Bellevue, Wash. actually got what I was trying to do (though it’s not mine or the readers fault some of the intended tone didn’t come across).

Funny Funny article. While i’m in pain thinking about a sports team that was supported 100% by the fans through good times and bad may possibly leave because of the greed of the NBA, this article had me laughing. very well written.

Sorry, folks, but I watch gangster movies and find them interesting.  Just yesterday, I was laughing as I watched Victor Newman admit he bought his son’s mortgage, meaning he owns the dude’s building.  This is stuff like that, except none of these Oklahomans are as smooth as Victor Newman.  Sorry, but this is fascinating.  It’s behavior I understand yet can’t comprehend.  Forgive me, but I enjoy watching fiction in real life.
Actually, this was the most frequent type of e-mail.  From Jason.  And yeah, it’s horribly predictable.

So 40 years means nothing?  Tradition in sports means nothing?  As long as you have money, you can do whatever you want and everything is justified?  You use admirable and this ownership group in the same sentences, but these owners are murderers.  They murdered the Sonics.  Are you one who also feels that no one in Seattle cares?  Tell that to the fans who showed up to watch a garbage basketball team that was stripped of all talent before the season began.  Tell that to the arena which was borderline hysterical during the final home game in Seattle.  You are a speaker of the media and instead of using that voice to do the right thing, you side with the devil and his $$$.  How do you sleep at night?

Look…when I was a kid, Bud Adams strongarmed Houston into tearing down the fabulous centerfield scoreboard in Houston to make room for more seats for Oilers games, or he was going to move the team to Jacksonville.  Anyone from Houston can explain what a sacrifice that was.  That was 1987, I believe.  Less than ten years later, Adams came back asking for more.  The city didn’t blink.  There was a “Save the Oilers” rally, and I recall less than 100 people coming.  This in the fourth largest city in America.  The Oilers left.  The next day, the sun rose.
We dealed.  And while Houston sports fans ain’t the greatest on earth–losing teams get NO love in the H–that was a football team in Texas, and folks just said “fuck it” and let ’em bounce.  It happens.
So yeah, I do kinda get it.
Lots of people had suggestions for the editors at Page 2.

What you wrote about bennett and the Sonics is Way offand out of line. Bonehead!  ESPN should fire your lame ass!

Eh, been there, done that.  And still was around to write this one.  Not that reader calls for dismissal ever amount to anything, but that really won’t help you here.
Who knows what BJ’s problem is.

Bomani is it? 
Well I certainly understand why you are buried here on page 2 somewhere deep in the shadows of Bill Simmons.  Write something with a little audacity about where you got to visit your grandparents when you were a little guy and look where you land…Page 1.  Amazing what I little shock factor can do for you.  How excited you must be!  I understand you need to dumb it down to your normal reading audience;
“these cats bought the hamptons”
“I can’t get that much scratch together until next friday”
You are one hip dude, but I am able to navigate your vocab to get the jist of your little piece here.
Personally, I am glad that you can come out and write such a piece applauding the state of Oklahoma and Clay Bennet for their attempted heist of the Supes.  Your ideas and rhetoric inspired me to stay up past my bedtime and write to someone I have never heard of in my life.  I hope your piece has inspired others to write to you as well.  Hopefully people around the country can see what is happening here without all the spin and money being thrown around.  Hopefully they too can see what the fans of the Sonics have seen since Clay Clay rode in on his Sooner last Winter.  I appreciate your thoughts and opinions, but as you giddley “watch and live through” Clayton Bennett’s actions put yourself in our shoes.  I was not born when the Sonics won our cities only major sports championship and 14 when GP and Shawn Kemp lead the Supes against Michael Jordan.  I will continue to support this team and these players as they showed us their support on Sunday night and I pray to God I get to watch Kevin Durant and Jeff Green blossum into stars in Seattle.
I thought your Sir-Mix-A-Lot refernce was very clever.  I was somewhat suprised that you didn’t have a coffee or rain joke to throw in there, but hey Bomani there is a reason you are on page 2 now isn’t there? 
Keep writing – Seattle is wriled up but I think you can do a better job for us nationally.

Yeah, I could do great things for you nationally IF I WORKED FOR YOU.  It’s like these folks in Seattle are the subjects of apartheid or something.  Dude, it’s really unfortunate what’s happening, and David Stern is clearly doing you folks a disservice.  But hey man–it’s gonna be OK.  I promise.
Jeff’s a psychic.

I didn’t even take the time to read your article because I have no respect for you, all I had to do was read your title. Do some research, how much are you getting paid? Look at the facts the sonics are getting STOLEN from seattle and David Stern isn’t doing anything about it. Sure Bennett bought it but I like to beleive in something called ethical business practice here in the 21st century and being able to trust your commissioner to step in when you are totally getting jobbed. Oklahoma City is the worst place for a basketball team, their arena is just as bad as ours but because they have been raising money for the past two years (which proves bennett has had no intention of keeping the team in seattle, so now he’s a liar too) they are able to renevate it. Look at Bennett’s track record, he’s a dirty immature business man who found a franchise with arena problems, destroyed it’s nucleus, wiped out its players and coaching staff and now just wants to run with it to his hic-town before he has to turn down another multi-million dollar offer! He’s a business man he would be making a profit, but he just wants the team for Oklahoma city. Oh and by the way he also sold the Storm because he didn’t want “those type of women” in Oklahoma City. So your a fan… thats an embarrassing article to have written, theirs a reason Jackson’s article is on the front page and yours is barried!

There’s something ironic about being told to research by someone that didn’t read what was written.
I forgot about this genius named Mac.

go f- yourself.

I oughta give you his work phone number, seeing how this moron sent it from the e-mail address for his company in Gig Harbor, Wash.
My personal favorite is a since deleted comment from ESPN.com.

bomani jones would probably sell out his hometown to a bucket of fried chicken.

Sounds remarkably similar to the slavery jokes this fool started telling.
I’ll close with this fool.

we gotta people up here that could buy your whole state, you thieves. wait till you lose them start your own team dont steal ours.

Man, you might could save that for someone from, you know, Oklahoma.  Will somebody please tell these fools where I’m from?