Oh buddy, what a day of mail from the wrasslin’ fans. The funniest part of the mail call was that people called me an idiot, then followed that up by affirming exactly the point I was making. I love it when that happens.
Oh, here’s a link to the piece.
Let’s start with Ryan.

It’s writers like you how keep people watching the WWE. But the wise crack about Katrina. Please don’t you have any morals. You should be ashamed. Let the people decide what there going to watch. I turn to espn.com for sports news not smearing the WWE. I know that your working for espn and want everybody to watch Monday Night Football. Let the people make their choice. And just stay to reporting sports. Not creating it. But because the WWE has been successfull doesn’t mean you can become a WWE Writer oh wait you just did. For shame. So why don’t you take your column. Turn it side ways and stick it up your nose. If you smell what the WWE is cookin.

Most interesting were the people that took offense to the line about Hurricane Katrina. They couldn’t believe that I would make light of Katrina, which means they totally missed the point. I was saying that the WWE would, and there’s a track record to show that McMahon has so few scruples that even dissin’ storm victims would be possible. Too bad it’s not possible for Ryan to write a complete sentence.
And maybe Ryan should talk to James.

Good take on WWE being affected by the MNF move to cable. I read this line from your column and I shook my head, wishing it were true: “Not even the WWE would make jokes about Katrina.

Actually, WWE did make an off-color Katrina reference on the Raw broadcast a few weeks ago on August 28. When Umaga came to the ring to attack an opponent, there was a comment made that a “Katrina-like tragedy” is about to occur. Sad, but true. Take care.

Mark also struggles with English.

dude u suck vince mcmahon’s dick and you lick his asshole u jackass thay get better rating then you dam u are so jealous of the wwe and vince mcmahon

Another dude named James is no fan, either.

Your recent column was the heighth of dumb. I am now dumber for having read it.
Thanks for wasting three mintues of my life.
I love it when people make it seem like I made them read to the end.
DJ thinks I need to grow up.

I am a fan of sports, all sports that take athletic ability, desire, and a will to win. Let me say that I am not a fan of Professional Wrestling. I can respect the creativity and skill these performers have. However I can not and will not respect the column you wrote making a childish attempt to ridicule Vince McMahon. It reminded me of a 9 year old child putting down another 9 year old in the playground. All this 9 year old is doing is trying to make them self look good, while hurting someone else. We all know Monday Night Football will have a large share of viewers. As a journalist Mr. Jones you acting like a child will not bring any extra viewers to the show and it did not show any integrity. After reading the tasteless column you proved to be someone who jumped right into the bottom of the sewer, as you swim looking up at Vince McMahon.

I’m not big on morality, but I assure you that I ain’t looking up at Vince Fuckin’ McMahon.
But what MAIL CALL!!! is complete without an irrational racist? His name is Dave. At least he had the heart to leave his name.

I’m a very loyal reader of ESPN.com and enjoy reading articles from the many columnists. But thanks to your jealousy and ridiculous article towards Professional wrestling, I’ll make sure to not read anything of yours again. You are messing with a community of fans that you don’t want to. Many emails and calls will definitely make it to espn and they will all concern you and your ignorance. I’m sure you’re one of the people that bash wrestling and don’t call it a sport, yet you’ll write about it on ESPN.com. You are an idiot and a moron, but I guess I should expect that from your type of people.

But at least Damian got it.

It is no secret that ABC/Go Network and Vince McMahon
have been in competition for quite some time now.  But
as you said, that was when non-cable viewers had no
choice as what to watch.  The move by Monday Night
Football to ESPN (in addition to being steeped in
greed) puts the Go Newtwork in direct competition with
their "wrasslin' wrival" Vince McMahon (and yes the
dual W's are intentional).
I write this email to simply thank you for this line:
"But just as important was making the WWE's story
lines -- which historically were steeped in racism,
vulgarity and the objectification of women -- more
tawdry and tasteless than they already were."
The "racism" in that line is what I want to focus on.
The average Joe doesn't seem to grasp the racist
history of the United States; it serves as no surprise
such "institutional racism" would seep into
'professional' wrestling.  The last Black (not
'minority) champion before the current waste of TV
time Booker T was a man by the name of Ron Simmons,
the Florida State All-American.  And that was in
McMahon's competition WCW; McMahon had nothing to do
with that.  Now, in 2001 WCW tried Booker T as
champion, but by then their ratings were lower than
low; they were done.
So, thank you whoever you are for pointing out the

Happy Tuesday!