Business…today, I did the Daily Quickie on Page 2, and I’ll be doing it again tomorrow. As always, there’s a link to it in my blogroll–and it was there well before I knew I’d be subbing for Shanoff–and tomorrow’s Quickie will go live around 9am EST tomorrow.
Now here’s what’s funny. I’ve been raked over the coals by Kobe fans, though I’ve gleaned that many didn’t read the article as much as take offense at the title. It is what it is, and I’m okay with that. If I didn’t tell you before, I’ll tell you now–this isn’t the job for the sensitive, especially if you’re the type that makes your e-mail address available.
Anyway, as a result of that piece I’ll be on Dave Smith’s drive-home show on 1540 AM in Los Angeles discussing some of the points I made in the piece. I’ll be on at 5:05 PST, or 8:05 EST. You can get to a live feed for the station here. This should be interesting.
And for now, I believe that is all. I’m so sore right now that I feel like The Man wanted to make sure that I never tried to run away again. And I won’t, but my black ass was at the gym this morning and will be back tomorrow.
I’m not terribly unhealthy, but I had been really inactive. So, we gotta change that. Plus, I’ve got a contract, and I’m on automatic draft for my payments. No way in hell I’m missing days.
Just don’t tell massa you saw me.