Business…check out the Charles Barkley World Tour.
So last night’s Flavor of Love might have been the best ever.  Not so much because there was lots of screamin, hollerin and fighting.  It was just because New York’s mama showed up.
Here’s the best I can do on making it clear what I like so much about when she shows up.
Almost all season, FoL is like an Ace Ventura-era Jim Carrey movie.  In those movies, it’s always obvious that Carrey’s characters are batshit bonkers.  But everyone in the flick just laughs it off.  Never does it get mentioned that Ace or whoever is out of his friggin mind.  Not once.  And there’s no way someone could be that nuts and no one bat an eye.  Really, how many friends would Ace Ventura really have?
But when New York’s mama shows up, the movie turns into The Cable Guy (which is still my favorite Carrey movie).  The Cable Guy was the first Carrey movie where he played one of these bonkers characters and everyone looks around and says, “yo, what’s up with yo boy?”  It was the first of those Carrey movies that really had a dose of reality.  And to me, reality is one of the funniest things going.  Also one of the most tragic, but that’s neither here nor there.
So when New York’s mother comes on the show and is totally mortified that her daughter is embarrassing her on national television by cuttin’ up behind Flavor Fuckin Flav, the show gets a needed dose of realism.  For this to work and not look entirely staged, someone has to step up and say, “this is crazy.”
And that’s what New York’s mama is.  It’s perfect.
That said, I’m sure that her “I’m gonna die soon” schpiel was manufactured by the producers.  The way it flowed didn’t seem realistic at all.  But the rest?  I really think all of this makes her wanna vomit.
And her simp husband?  He’s just happy that he gets to sleep in the house.
Last FoL note–am I think only person that thought Flav looked like a real live minstreal in that white tux?  I was waiting on him to shake his hands on one knee.