I sent someone an IM saying that a few minutes ago. She was excited for me and asked what we we did. I found it such a silly question. Wasn’t it obvious what we were doing?
Then I realized the problem. She thought I was talking about my girlfriend. I was talking about my laptop.
I’m not so sure what that says about me. Don’t get me wrong–I was crazy happy to see the girlfriend yesterday. But after spending a week borrowing computers, using those unfamiliar Macs, writing pieces on WordPad and in e-mail windows and being without my music, I was extra happy to see the DHL man. Might have been tempted to give buddy a hug if I didn’t realize how useless my computer would be if dude got shocked and stole off on me for invading his personal space.
I love her more than my laptop. Don’t get it twisted. But I began to wonder if I could live without this thing.
Think about it. Everything was rollin’ real smooth until my computer broke (okay, until I broke my computer). After that, I had those five days from hell. I think this is some sort of karma for not showing proper respect to this machine, this thing that does so much good for me. Without it, I had to make all those road trips. I lost lots of time I needed to get work done. And then I had to do work in uncomfortable situations.
So I promise to treat my computer better. Solemnly swear and all that.
Anyway, I’m back on the grind. Got a piece on Texas football running tomorrow, one on Monday Night Football vs. WWE on Monday, and another later next week on Tiger Woods and Jim Brown. And keep checking out vibe.com for news.