Business…here’s the piece I did for ESPN about my trip to Houston. Enjoy.
For enjoyment crossed with insanity, check this little number game. Be careful doing this at work. It’s addictive.
Now, check out this one from Frank Rich in the New York Times.
Why this piece? One, because it’s pretty good but, second, because today is the last day op-ed pieces will be free in the Times.

I heard whispers about this at NABJ, but I wasn’t at a seminar when it was said, so I didn’t wanna come on here blabbering. That sucks, man. I’m probably just going to have to pay to get the full Times online. It’s hard for me to pay for things on teh Internet–particularly things I’m accustomed to getting for the freeski–but I just love the op-ed page and I’m very interested in seeing the articles in the archives.
And that’s independent of my dreams of being featured on said page. But if you’re not on staff, you gotta be Skip Gates or Bruce Springsteen to get up on that piece. Yeah, it really rolls like that.
Yet they hired Jayson Blair…
Anyway, you’ve been warned. Also, the Bun B interview was, easily, the most enjoyable one I’ve done, and I say that after waiting two friggin’ hours to get it handled. You’ll know when it posts, but get ready. It’ll be fun, and I’ll also be posting different quotes on the bidness blog.