Welcome to 2008.  Here’s hoping it’s a great one for you.  We’ve already got a season of The Wire on the way, so we’re ahead of the game already.
Here’s a glimpse at what’s going on in Professional Bomaniland.  As I told you before, I’ll be teaching a class at Duke titled “The Black Athlete in America.”  Syllabus will be available soon or, at the very least, the primary book list.
Also, I am now the host of Sports Saturday on WRBZ-AM, 850 The Buzz in Raleigh, N.C.  Check out me and my producer, Shannon Penn, every Saturday morning from 9-12.  We should have great features, a few laughs, and some solid interviews (oh, by the way, famous professional friends…I’m officially the dude that’s going to be nagging you for interviews).  Pretty soon, I’ll have a permanent link on the sidebar on the site that’ll allow you to get to the feed for the show.
This year’s gonna be a bit of an adjustment for me.  I’m a writer first and foremost, and that’s never going to change.  Right now, I’m writing, but not for immediate publication.  It’s the most fun I’ve ever had, and this is what I’m supposed to be doing.  Nothing does it for me like putting words and thoughts together, and I’m as love with my keyboard as I’ve ever been.
But it’s also time for me to go back to doing a few different things.  I love teaching and I love doing radio, and I’m so glad to have the chance to do both of them, even if only on a part-time basis.   This is going to be a good year in Bomaniland, and here’s hoping yours is, too.
I will admit, however, that if you don’t like The Wire, your year isn’t going to be nearly as good as it could be.  Straight up.