Keep it real–I’ve done some impressive things.  I would run through a list of those things, but that’s unbecoming.  But today, I pulled off the most amazing of all those feats.
I managed to burn myself on the back.  With an iron.  Seriously.
See, I’ve got this bad habit of leaving whites in the dryer instead of folding them and putting them away.  Not like beaters and socks need ironing, the way I see it.
A related point is that I set my iron up right in front of the washer and dryer.  The best place to keep the board is by the appliances, so it makes sense.
Anyway, I had just gotten done ironing for work, and I needed to get a beater out of the dryer.  Being that I have long arms–I would make a simien reference, but I don’t want nobody gettin’ no bright ideas–I figured I could reach over the board and get the t-shirt.
Next time, I’ll do that after the iron cools off.  I was a wee bit short of the beater, so I stretched some more.  Next thing you know, the board tips, the iron falls, and the tip his me in me lats.  Rather warm, in case you’re curious.
What was my next trick?  Looking around the house for a half hour looking for my keys.  Put my hands in my pockets out of frustration and what do I find?
Told you…I’m impressive, Jack.
Busy day.  New piece running tomorrow and some other fun stuff.
Be easy.