Clearly, I’ve got too much time to think.  Maybe that would be drawback No. 6.
1.  Unemployment is expensive.  You don’t think about it, but work saves you a lot of money.  Yeah, you gotta pay to get there, but it’s gravy after that.  Hours and hours using someone else’s electricity.  Social interaction.  Coffee.  AND they give you money.
Unemployment?  What is there to do that doesn’t cost money?  Name one thing.  Did the road trip thing, but those gas prices are a monster.  Moral of the story — nothing costs more money than not having a way to go get it.
2.  Everyone asks the same question…the one you can’t answer.  What have I heard the most in the last two and a half weeks?
“Well, what’s your plan?  When can I hear you on the air again?”  If you’ve got those answers, you’re not unemployed.  You’re, literally, between jobs.  If you can answer “so, what’s the plan?”, then there’s no reason to ask, especially since thinking about the lack of said plan gets old mighty fast.  Something to consider.
3.  There’s no one to hang out with.  Well, that’s if your friends have jobs.  Mine do.  And the ones that don’t?  They don’t have gas money, either.
4.  You wind up with a slew of unattractive options, none of which get done.  Like right now, for example, I’m debating whether to clean my house or go get a haircut.  The answer, clearly, is blogging.  See what I mean?
5.  You better meet a woman BEFORE you lose your job.  Went to a bar the other night with a friend that came to town.  As most of you know, I rarely drink, so I don’t do the bar thing much.  I tipped back a couple on Friday and played wingman (my rap doesn’t work very well screaming over speakers).  Sat and talked to a woman, and she asked what I did for a living.  I said I used to host a radio show.  That translates directly, in femalese, to “he ain’t got no job,” and her facial expression made that abundantly clear.  I was just the wingman, so no biggie, but yeah…you better have yours lined up before the last check.  And earn your keep in a non-monetary way.
So yeah, that’s it.  And for those that don’t know, no need to worry about me.  I just figure this is something lots of people deal with and, unlike most, I’m not ashamed in the least of it.  So let’s just laugh about it.