Stuff like this is why The Boondocks remains essential reading. Check yesterday’s and today’s.
I’m also starting a comic novel he did with Reggie Hudlin called Birth of a Nation. Should be a blast. But while I was at the bookstore, peep this here joint that I found. I cant find the link, but I’m pretty sure it was called “Moving Out, Moving On.” Basically, it was a workbook for women who need to get financially prepared to drop their men.

That’s right…it’s a book designed to help folks get the money stashed and ready to go so you ain’t do the Tina Turner and leave with nothing but a name.
Sounds like a great idea. Just don’t get caught with it.
Really, what do you think would happen if a husband found that that in the underwear drawer right next to the light saber? Bad things, pimpin. Bad things.
Worst case scenario? Taking suggestions on that one.
I gotta go to work. Probably more later.