So Dave’s back for a few “lost” episodes. So much to talk about, so I think I’ll do this with enumeration.
1. Donnell Rawlings and Charlie Murphy just might be sellouts.
I don’t know what relationship either of them has or had with Dave, but I’m not too sure how I feel about their schtick on these episodes. Their stuff didn’t really bother me when i watched it live, but it didn’t sit so well when I watched it again on TiVo. But then again, I can’t blame them for jumping on whatever opportunity they get. I saw Donnell live my freshman year in college. Nine years ago!
(Holy shit, nine years ago???)
And I didn’t see him again until years later on some episode of Law and Order where he did the worst impression of an “African” cab driver I’d ever seen. He’s a really funny dude, but he seems to get no real breaks. No wonder he’s so happy to be on this shit.
2. The wheelchair was a bit much.
That revenge sketch was hilarious. That one and the preceding one–where all prices change for him because he’s rich now–point out why I love Dave so much. No one since Richard Pryor has been able to do such self-aware comedy without coming off as being insecure and stuck on himself. I’d say that’s because, like Pryor, Dave has positioned himself as the comedian that’s just like you. So he can laugh about being rich because it’s just the same as any of us would claim to be if we got rich outta nowhere.
At the same time…that wheelchair down the stairs thing was a bit too much. And it was still funny.
3. The Tupac sketch belongs in the Chappelle Pantheon.
Fall down hilarious from start to finish. From the dead-on understanding of Tupac to Dave-specific bathroom humor, this hit from the second it started. And Dame Dash randomly being at the club? I’ll take it. It’s not on the Black Bush/Rick James/Reparations/Playa Hatas Ball level, but it’s on that next tier.
4. These episodes are gonna piss me off.
This is the first time in forever I’ve wanted to turn my television to something other than sports or Law and Order. And it’s really just a tease. Damn shame.