Business…got a joint on ESPN about the mass exodus from Chapel Hill of the 2005 National Champions. If you’re here after reading that already, welcome and feel free to look around.
Lots to get into…just not sure where to start. Let’s re-visit my post on black colleges.
Okay, it seems a bit of the point was lost. For some people, heading to the white man’s school works out well, and I’m happy for those people. Different people have different needs, and I don’t blame anyone that finds what they need, no matter where they find it. My qualm, though, is with those that consider–subconsciously or otherwise–an HBCU education to be substandard and make that determination with limited information.
I stand before you–yes, you–as an enemy of white supremacy, no matter where it resides. That includes black folks, white folks, and Flipper aka James the Nigger Hating Dolphin. If someone discounts the value of something because of its negritude, then I have no tolerance for it. That doesn’t mean that I automatically assume that someone who goes to a white school feels like that, but that Howard victory was a thumb in the eye to any of those people I hate.
So there.
As for my liberal use of the word “nigga,” I’m not sure where to start, so you’ll have to wait a few days. It ain’t that big a thing to me, though.
Also, I’ll have something up soon on the change in the format of the column. It should be cool, it’ll definitely be different, so be on the lookout for that this week.
I’m gone…and do I owe you a playlist?
April 24, 2005