Business…here’s a guide on when it’s okay to root against your favorite team.
Now, lemme head a few readers off at the pass–you’re damn right I think Carolina needs a new football coach.
Let me start by expressing my reluctance to write about Carolina football.  Unlike the basketball team, I have personal relationships with a few players on this team.  Shelton Bynum, a starting defensive tackle, is like family to me.  He’s my best friend Jon’s cousin, and I’ve known him since I met him at Jon’s funeral.  Barrington Edwards, the second tailback, is one of my former students.  And many other dudes on the team have their locs done by my girlfriend.  That means it’s too close to home for me to comfortably write about them.
Anyway, they need a new coach.  Anyone that watches Carolina has been able to note how poor the team tends to play in teh second half.  Some would argue that’s an issue of conditioning, but I think it’s about halftime adjustments.  Either way, it comes down to coaching.
The only road game this team has won outside the 919 area code–which includes NC State and Duke–was against East Carolina in 2003.  Bad road teams tend to be poorly coached.
And have you seen the quarterbacks on this team?  Good gracious.
I’ve been told by someone I trust that Bunting will only be fired if this team goes 0-12.  Well, they’ve won one.  But by my math, they will only be favored again this year when they play Duke.  South Florida is undefeated.  The State game is over there.  Wake is undefeated and does have a very good coach (Jim Grobe).  They could beat UVA, but the game’s at night on the road.  2-10 wouldn’t at all shock me.
So yeah, that’s what I’ve got to say about that.  Enjoy the weekend.