…Houston, that is. But business…the column’s on Fiddy this week. Enjoy, even though I haven’t even seen the finished version yet. This should be fun, though.
Well, lemme tell you about Houston…

…you can go home again, but that don’t mean you’ll know anyone when you get there. I think I have three Houston phone numbers out of 190 in my cell phone. And really, I’m sorta okay with that. However, how did tha thappen? Oh yeah, that happens when you move and don’t stay in touch with people. Not always the best move, but that’s another story for another today. Tonight, I’ll get into some of that good nightlife. Thusday, Seuss and I were supposed to go to some spot called M Bar, but we found out it was Paul Wall’s birthday, and that’s where he’s having his party. I haven’t seen Paul in seven years, and I’m pretty sure tonight wasn’t the night to hang with him, his friends, and the million jokers that will masquerade as one of his friends. Plus, buddy wouldn’t know me on sight no more. And were it not for the ostentatious mouth full of stones he’s got, I wouldn’t know him either. However, he’s the blingingest white boy this side of Liberace these days, so I could pick him out in the dark.
But as this week goes on–I’ll be here for eight days–I’ll give you more updates on how things are going. This could be pretty interesting on a number of levels.
But yo, when is the G Code Constitutional Convention? Can someone throw some dates out there?