
November 19, 2004
Takin' it Old School
Business...column's this week in remembrance of ODB. Ain't much clever about death, even one possibly caused by hard rock. Young Buck went o...
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November 17, 2004
The Wonder That is Wireless
This message is brought to you live from my living room! Your intrepid blogger has finally moved into the twenty-first century, and my vehicle...
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November 14, 2004
More on Friday about this, but I think this is worth peeping (taken from an AP report). His mother, Cherry Jones, said she received the news o...
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November 12, 2004
That Funky Lil White Boy
I'm back. When I'm short on time, Luther is gonna pop up here and there. Learn to love him. I have, but it surely took time. And business.....
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