July 26, 2005 As if you care, more about me. So, my good friend RPM decides to hit me with one of them bloggin' chain letters. The problem with these things is you can't just lie and say... read more
July 25, 2005 Great site On my way to the airport, but I had to share this site with everyone. Finally, I can get that good half-windsor knot! No, I shouldn't be this... read more
July 25, 2005 What, me worry? Damn right. It's 1am, and I have to leave for the airport in less than five hours. Big meeting tomorrow. Gotta put on a suit for it. Going... read more
July 24, 2005 Revolution in a Bottle First, the Typekey era is over. Input comments as your heart sees fit, but feel free to use Typekey if you like. However, there's no reason ... read more