December 25, 2005 Merry Christmas...CALL AND SAY IT Okay, I think I've received three of those "Merry Christmas, Y'all" text messages today. That shit has to cease. Now. The way I see it, the "... read more
December 22, 2005 Someone Ain't Familiar... Luther D. here. Baba gave me my own log-in and everything, but it always makes it appear at the bottom saying "authored by Bomani." Not today... read more
December 21, 2005 Before you get the chance...'s a piece on college basketball coaches and how they just ain't no fun no more. Enjoy. As for the pro-Doherty crowds that wil... read more
December 21, 2005 Niggaz that Don't Like People that Say Nigga A few people, including Virtual Bomaniland favorite Big Walt, have asked where my issues with Darrick Z. Jackson--please say the Z.--and his p... read more