
April 28, 2006
25 Fantastic, but Long, Songs
Been on massive deadline, but I'm doin a list today, dammit. I don't care if you're still at work or not. So I was sittin here the other day ...
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April 26, 2006
Oh Yeah, This Is Funny...
So I'm insanely busy today, but check this out. Man, what's really hood? Did you have the sound on? If you didn't, watch it again. Right in ...
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April 25, 2006
Oh Buddy, Why Is Math So Hard?
People are generally averse to math. I've never quite understood why, but they are. The toughest thing about math to most folks, methinks, i...
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April 24, 2006
New Piece's a bit of a novelty item on folks being inducted into Halls of Fame in sports other than those for which they are famous. En...
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