December 19, 2006 Cookie Recipe I forgot that Rex asked about the recipe I used for the cookies I baked for my students. Chances are that he was trying to needle me a little... read more
December 19, 2006 Radio Today SSP...forgot to tell you that I'm on in Tallahassee this morning with Eric Eggers on 100.7 FM at 9:30 ET. Edit: Wait, I forgot that this radi... read more
December 18, 2006 Band in Chapel Hill You Gotta Check Out Yo, my buddy Andrew Blass let me know that his band, Red Collar, will be playing the Cat's Cradle in Carrboro, NC tomorrow night. If you hit ... read more
December 18, 2006 Respect to the Rapper's why I can no longer hate on Kobe Bryant. Yeah, I was included in the group of haters. Just didn't wanna use the first-pers... read more