January 30, 2007 It's About Time... Ask yourself, kids...is the pleasure of hazing someone worth two years in jail? This qualifies as something a long time coming. Pretty soon, ... read more
January 26, 2007 More coming later Business...here's Kieran Darcy and I debating who should be the top pick in the 2007 draft--Greg Oden or Kevin Durant. And here's a list I di... read more
January 25, 2007 MAIL CALL!!! Oh yeah, you knew this was coming. And since I'm having a pretty dreadful morning, I need to use the lunacy of others to make me smile. If y... read more
January 23, 2007 Forgot to Say My Piece on the Oscars Good news..."The Departed" was nominated for an Oscar. Not like I get anything from that, but that might be the best movie I've seen in a the... read more