February 15, 2007 Let's Keep This Rollin'... Business...here's a look at the travails of trying to follow Pac-10 hoops. Name your favorites from the following categories re: Coming To Ame... read more
February 14, 2007 25--Love Songs The last two years on Valentine's Day, I provided a few playlists to help you folks deal with this day in whatever manner you needed. You can... read more
February 12, 2007 This Shirley Liquor Character I generally don't get behind boycotts and the likes, but check out this post Jasmyn Cannick has on that Shirley Q. Liquor character. Here's my... read more
February 12, 2007 Why Yes, You Are Getting Old It just dawned on me that Mary J. Blige's debut album, the dope-as-all-get-out What's the 411?, came out 15 years ago. 15! Now for the intere... read more