February 21, 2007 Another Crank Call Classic I just wanna know this... When's the last time somebody called you at work just giving away free shit? I've never been sitting around and got... read more
February 19, 2007 All-Star Weekend Business...here's a look at how wack the All-Star festivities were. Running crazy busy, but here's a quick update on what I'm gonna have comin... read more
February 16, 2007 Confession Time In case you're curious, the best part about working at home is that I get to watch "The Young and the Restless." Anyway, I just have to say th... read more
February 16, 2007 Let's Keep This Rollin' Some More... SSP...I'm gonna be on with Adam Gold on 850 The Buzz today at 4:20. Should be fun. So let's roll a little longer with this CTA thing. Now, le... read more