
February 28, 2007
HBCUs and that Good SSP's my look at the changes in HBCU athletics. SSP...I'm on today at 4:20 with Adam Gold on 850 The Buzz in Durham.  Hit it, Ben....
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February 27, 2007
MAIL CALL!!!'s why I think the NFL's three strikes proposal is a crock. Well, didn't get as much mail on Duke as expected.  But I got the t...
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February 26, 2007
My Day With Duke Lacrosse's the scene from the first Duke lacrosse game.  Bring the hate mail on. Speaking of that, my editors and I made the decision t...
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February 21, 2007
Missing The Point
I've got a short missive up on Page 2 on the retirement of Chief Illiniwek at the University of Illinois.  Look below the picture of Captain K...
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