December 10, 2007 Branching out to Kentucky Sports Radio Well, while I've got stuff I'm working on, very little of it is actual writing. That's not good for me, so my man Matt Jones is allowing me t... read more
December 10, 2007 The Michael Vick Case, In One Sentence Michael Vick's going to do 23 months in prison because he hurt some dogs. No matter your view, whether you find this to be justice or injustic... read more
December 8, 2007 In search of a correspondent... Is/Did anyone watch the Mayweather-Hatton fight in an interracial setting? I ask this because I've found something in my time...nothing will p... read more
December 6, 2007 Be nice to the older folks Now that I'm free of contractual obligations, I can talk about sports on here now. I generally avoided it because I worked for someone else t... read more