
August 10, 2008
First Bernie Mac.  Now Isaac Hayes.  Jet's gonna have to put out a double issue. Til the other side to both.  In honor of Black Moses, I offer...
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August 3, 2008
R.I.P. Skip
Rarely do I delve into sports here at Virtual Bomaniland.  That's the game that's sold, not told.  Do something for a living, and you don't re...
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July 29, 2008
Stop it, Kwame
This Kwame Kilpatrick is something.  A friend and I just got done discussing how long it will take Law and Order to do an episode based on his...
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July 27, 2008
No Big Deal, Sen. McCain
John McCain wasn't being smart when he used the term "tar-baby" when speaking to some folks in Iowa the other day.  I'm not offended by this b...
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