April 12, 2009 The Beauty of the Vocal Media First, Happy Easter, for those of you who are into such things. Moving on, I guess I'm a radio host now. I've never been keen on defining mys... read more
April 2, 2009 Does disagreeing with Obama make you racist? I sure hope not. If that's the case, I'd be in big big big trouble. Anyway, that's Angie Harmon's concern. Check this one form foxnews.com. ... read more
March 25, 2009 Don't forget about the worker bees One mistake I've made in this financial meltdown is not considering the large number of good people caught up in this mess. Not everyone in t... read more
March 19, 2009 The funniest commercial this year Watching the NCAA's. Saw a commercial for the Chevy Silverado that made fun of the Ford F-150's "man step." Really, that's all the commercia... read more