June 2, 2009 The pizza man is maaaaaad! Ain't no punchline. That fool is just mad. Some of you may recall a post I did a while ago about my issues with tipping over a delivery charg... read more
June 2, 2009 Another Adventure in Irony Went out to Louisburg to play golf with my man Ken in Youngsville on Sunday. A friend and I joined he and his buddy at the Bull Creek Golf Cl... read more
May 28, 2009 What is wrong with this fool? Is this what's hot in these streets right now? You've got to be kidding me. I'm gonna stop now, because I can't think of anything else to s... read more
May 21, 2009 Dirty Mind vs. 1999 So I've been listening to Dirty Mind on the way to work lately. It's perfect for a half hour drive. You can go from front to back on the tri... read more