July 8, 2009 Why I despise Stringer Bell So Melly Mele told me she was worried about my distaste for Stringer Bell. She says it's irrational. When a woman who makes bank while Skip B... read more
June 29, 2009 Should Chris Brown have performed at the BET Awards? That's the tricky question. If you follow me on Twitter, you knew my take -- wasn't judging, but I wouldn't have complained if people threw s... read more
June 26, 2009 Why you like Mike more than I do Unlike what seems to be 95% of the people I know, I'm not a huge Michael Jackson fan. Love the Jackson 5 stuff, love Off the Wall, like Thril... read more
June 25, 2009 The first thing we need to say about Michael Jackson HE WAS ACQUITTED OF ALL CHARGES INVOLVING THAT BOY. Yeah, I put that in caps. One thing that pisses me off to no end is listening to people i... read more