September 21, 2009 My Whitney Dilemma I'm always amazed at how much people still care about Whitney Houston. It goes beyond the fact that I've never really been into her music. I... read more
September 16, 2009 Maureen's Mistake I'm getting the show ready, and there's someone on Imus disagreeing with Maureen Dowd's assertion that Joe Wilson's "you lie!" was really "you... read more
September 3, 2009 Let's Talk about Blueprint 3 The knee-jerk response to the...advance copy of The Blueprint 3 that...uhhh, the label sent me over the Internet...yeah... Anyway, it's been f... read more
September 3, 2009 Chris Brown Confuses Me I mean, I slept on it, and I still can't figure it out. I'm not sure if I wanna go paint Easter eggs or give him a noogie. Money, not you aga... read more