December 10, 2009 I'm not a least not of you Lots of people are too cool for Facebook. I can't pretend I am. Once, I met a woman, got her phone number, called her, and got no response. ... read more
December 8, 2009 Tiger, DO NOT GO ON OPRAH According to multiple reports, Tiger Woods' cabal of advisors want him to go on Oprah. Apparently, they want to see how much worse things cou... read more
November 30, 2009 The Tiger Woods FAQ Got questions about what happened to Tiger Woods? Me, too. Here they are, as they came to me, and the best I -- or anyone else -- could come... read more
November 20, 2009 Are y'all still jockin Britney Spears? Many of you know I'm a Twitter fiend. It's the greatest invention ever for someone that talks to much and likes to work while distracted (and... read more